Come learn how YOU can make a difference in the life of a child.
Not everyone is called to adopt or be a foster parent, but every believer IS called to care for the orphan.
- Learn about becoming a Wrap Around Family and support those who are lead to foster and adopt!
- Learn about sponsorships for Orphans around the world!
- Hear Pastor Richard share his heart for the orphan!
- Experience The Heart Gallery!
- Hear what the Bible has to say about the orphan!
Come to the theatre of FBC McKinney and be a part of an exciting and interactive evening!!!
- Hear interviews from a very special adoptive family.
- Hear the beautiful story of one young woman as she shares about her adoption at the age of 18!
- Hear Kent Jones, President of "To Every Nation" weave stories together and share God's heart for the orphan around the world and in your backyard.
- Hear and be moved with The Andrew Heath Band as they lead us through worship!