Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall 2012 Schedule

Our first Journey meeting will be September 5th  in Room 3115. We will meet 6:15 to 7:15.    This night will be a time of fellowship and previewing the new Bible study.  Books will be for sale that night.   
BRAND NEW Bible study by Karyn Purvis....."The Connection: Where Hearts Meet"
This is an interactive (video/discussion)  small group study designed to helpyou and your child build a lasting, loving, connection. You will be encouraged and equipped with practical help based on Biblical truths and research-based interventions specifically developed for adoptive or foster care families.
This study will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. 
Small group meetings will meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.  This will be a time to gather with like minded folks and share, encourage one another and pray for specifice needs. There will be special speakers scheduled through out the year.
Chit, Chat and Chi will meet 2nd Tuesday of each month.  A time for fellowship and encouragment for adoptive/foster moms.  We will meet at Panera on Eldorado and 75 in Mckinney.   7:00