Next Sunday, November 7th, is known world-wide as Orphan Sunday. It is our time as believers to become aware, plugged in, and pray for the 163 Million children around the world without parents to care for them. FBC McKinney & The Journey have 2 ways we are bringing the Orphan Crisis to the forefront of our body of believers. First, WHY? Why is it important for all believers to understand the orphan crisis and adoption? Adoption is not uncommon to any believer. Think about it. In Romans, it says that "we have received the Spirit of Adoption by which we call out ABBA FATHER." We were spiritual orphans before God ADOPTED us into His eternal family. So, adoption is foundational to the gospel.
On Sunday morning, our very own Kent Jones will be delivering a message focused on the Christians' role in the lives of orphans. In addition, we will be commissioning the Mitchell Family as they move to Bolivia to work with orphans full time!
Sunday Night we will be hosting the Answer the Cry Event. Francis Chan, The Chapman Family and many others will be challenging the Church to stand in the gap for orphans around the world. This doesn't mean just adoption! There are many ways that EVERY CHRISTIAN can care for orphans! Join us in the theater at 6:30. Desserts & Drinks will be served. Snacks and coloring sheets will be available for the children.
This was SO great! Thank you for an incredible time... loved meeting so many families "answering the cry" to love and care for the orphan in so many ways!
This was SO great! Thank you for an incredible time... loved meeting so many families "answering the cry" to love and care for the orphan in so many ways!